Objective: Deepen understanding of cryptography protocols, their roles, and their application in securing data and communications.

Introduction to Cryptography Protocols

Key Cryptography Protocols

  1. SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security):
    • Provides security for internet communications by encrypting data transmitted over a network.
  2. SSH (Secure Shell):
    • A protocol for secure network services including remote server login and file transfer.
  3. IPSec (Internet Protocol Security):
    • A suite of protocols designed to secure Internet Protocol (IP) communications by encrypting and authenticating each IP packet of a communication session.
  4. HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure):
    • An extension of HTTP, securing web communications by applying SSL/TLS encryption.
  5. PGP/GPG (Pretty Good Privacy/GNU Privacy Guard):
    • Encryption programs that provide cryptographic privacy and authentication for data communication, commonly used for securing emails.

Key Concepts and Terminology

Hands-on Exercise: Exploring HTTPS

Practical Application

Further Reading and Resources