Objective: To understand the principles and best practices involved in the secure distribution of cryptographic keys.

Introduction to Key Distribution

Key Aspects of Key Distribution

  1. Secure Transmission Channels:
    • Using encrypted channels or secure networks for transmitting keys.
    • Emphasizing the importance of end-to-end encryption during transmission.
  2. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI):
    • Utilizing PKI for the distribution of public keys, involving digital certificates for authentication.
    • Understanding how PKI provides a framework for managing public keys and identities.
  3. Key Agreement Protocols:
    • Implementing protocols such as Diffie-Hellman for secure key exchange without physically transferring the key itself.
  4. Key Escrow:
    • Understanding the concept of key escrow, where keys are held by a trusted third party for recovery or legal purposes.

Hands-on Exercise: Simulating Key Distribution

Practical Application

Further Reading and Resources