Objective: To understand and apply the principles of key lifecycle management in cryptography.

Introduction to Key Lifecycle Management

Key Stages in Key Lifecycle

  1. Key Generation:
    • Process of creating strong cryptographic keys.
    • Emphasis on randomness and unpredictability.
  2. Key Distribution:
    • Securely transferring keys to the intended parties.
    • Methods include direct transfer, electronic delivery, and using key distribution centers.
  3. Key Storage:
    • Securely storing the keys, often using hardware security modules (HSMs) or encrypted databases.
  4. Key Usage:
    • Using keys for their intended cryptographic processes while ensuring they are not compromised.
  5. Key Rotation:
    • Periodic changing or updating of keys to prevent or limit security breaches.
  6. Key Archival:
    • Safely storing old or infrequently used keys that might be needed for decryption or historical data recovery.
  7. Key Destruction:
    • Securely disposing of keys to ensure they cannot be recovered or misused.

Hands-on Exercise: Key Generation and Rotation

Practical Application

Further Reading and Resources