Objective: To understand the significance and techniques of effective key management in cryptography.

Introduction to Key Management

Key Concepts in Key Management

  1. Key Lifecycle:
    • Understand the stages of a key’s lifecycle: Generation, Distribution, Storage, Usage, Rotation, Archival, and Destruction.
  2. Key Storage and Protection:
    • Explore techniques for securely storing cryptographic keys, such as hardware security modules (HSMs) and securely encrypted databases.
  3. Key Distribution:
    • Learn methods for safely distributing keys, such as secure channels, public key infrastructures (PKIs), or using key distribution algorithms.
  4. Key Rotation and Renewal:
    • Understand the importance of regularly updating cryptographic keys to prevent long-term attacks.
  5. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI):
    • Study how PKI provides a framework for managing public keys, including the use of digital certificates.

Hands-on Exercise: Key Lifecycle Management

Practical Application

Further Reading and Resources