Task 1: Printing a Name
Objective: Learn how to print a static string in Python.
Open Online Python.
In the editor, type:
print(“Hello, Alice!”)
Click Run and observe the output.
Change the name to your own and run it again.
Task 2: Using a Variable for a Name
Objective: Store a name in a variable and print it.
Modify your code:
name = “Alice”
print(“Hello, ” + name + “!”)
- Run the script and check the output.
- Change the variable to your own name and run it again.
Task 3: Taking User Input
Objective: Get the user’s name from input.
Modify the script:
name = input(“Enter your name: “)
print(“Hello, ” + name + “!”)
- Run the script and enter your name.
- Observe how the program responds with a personalised greeting.
Task 4: Validating Name Length
Objective: Ensure the name is not too short or too long.
Modify the script:
name = input(“Enter your name: “)
if 2 <= len(name) <= 20:
print(“Hello, ” + name + “!”)
print(“Invalid name. It must be between 2 and 20 characters.”)
- Run the script and enter names of different lengths.
- Observe how the validation prevents names that are too short or too long.
Task 5: Validating Alphabetic Characters Only
Objective: Ensure the name contains only letters.
Modify the script:
name = input(“Enter your name: “)
if name.isalpha():
print(“Hello, ” + name + “!”)
print(“Invalid name. Use only letters.”)
- Run the script and enter names with numbers or special characters.
- Observe how non-alphabetic inputs are rejected.
Task 6: Repeating Input Until It’s Valid
Objective: Keep asking for a valid name if incorrect input is entered.
Modify the script:
while True:
name = input(“Enter your name: “)
if name.isalpha():
print(“Hello, ” + name + “!”)
print(“Invalid name. Please use only letters.”)
- Run the script and try entering invalid names.
- Observe how the program keeps asking until valid input is provided.
Task 7: Asking for Age (Introducing Integers)
Objective: Collect numeric input and ensure it is a number.
Modify the script:
age = input(“Enter your age: “)
if age.isdigit():
print(“You are ” + age + ” years old.”)
print(“Invalid age. Please enter numbers only.”)
- Run the script and try entering text instead of a number.
- Observe how non-numeric inputs are rejected.
Task 8: Repeating Input Until a Valid Age is Entered
Objective: Ensure only valid ages are accepted.
Modify the script:
while True:
age = input(“Enter your age: “)
if age.isdigit():
print(“You are ” + age + ” years old.”)
print(“Invalid input. Please enter a number.”)
- Run the script and try entering invalid ages.
- Observe how the loop ensures only valid numbers are accepted.
Task 9: Checking Eligibility for Riding a Moped
Objective: Introduce conditional statements based on age requirements.
Modify the script:
while True:
age = input(“Enter your age: “)
if age.isdigit():
age = int(age)
print(“You are ” + str(age) + ” years old.”)
print(“Invalid input. Please enter a number.”)
if age >= 16:
print(“You are old enough to ride a moped!”)
print(“Sorry, you must be at least 16 to ride a moped.”)
- Run the script and enter different ages to test eligibility.
- Observe how the program determines if the user can ride a moped.
Task 10: Checking Eligibility for Cars and HGVs
Objective: Expand conditional logic to include cars and HGVs.
Modify the script:
if age >= 21:
print(“You are old enough to drive a Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV).”)
elif age >= 17:
print(“You are old enough to drive a car.”)
elif age >= 16:
print(“You are old enough to ride a moped.”)
print(“Sorry, you must be at least 16 to ride a moped.”)
- Run the script and enter different ages to test eligibility.
- Observe how the program determines the correct vehicle permissions based on age.