Generate Prime Numbers

Generating prime numbers is a fundamental process in various cryptographic algorithms. Prime numbers are natural numbers greater than 1 that have no positive divisors other than 1 and themselves.

Basic Use:

Shared Generator

A shared generator, often used in cryptographic algorithms, is a number used along with a prime number to generate public and private keys, especially in algorithms like Diffie-Hellman key exchange.

Basic Use:

Private Keys

A private key is a secret key used in asymmetric (public-key) cryptography. It’s known only to the owner and is used either to decrypt data encrypted with the corresponding public key or to sign data, which can then be verified with the public key.

Basic Use:

Public Keys

A public key is part of the key pair used in public-key cryptography. Unlike a private key, the public key is shared openly and is used to encrypt data or verify digital signatures.

Basic Use:

Integration in Cryptographic Systems

These elements are integral to modern cryptographic systems. Prime number generation underlies key generation processes, shared generators facilitate secure key exchanges, and private/public keys enable secure, confidential, and authenticated communication in a multitude of digital applications, from secure websites to encrypted messaging.



Alice's Prime Number:

Shared Generator Value:

Alice's Private Key (Private A):

Alice's Public Key:


Bob's Prime Number:

Bob's Private Key (Private B):

Bob's Public Key: